SBC Life Articles

‘Who’s Your One?’ Emphasis Launched

The North American Mission Board (NAMB) launched the Who’s Your One? evangelism initiative on February 26 as part of an effort to encourage Southern Baptists to engage people with Gospel conversations throughout the year. This evangelism emphasis asks believers to pray for and focus on one individual in the hope that the person may come to Christ.

Southern Baptist Convention President J. D. Greear has worked in coordination with NAMB to develop a special resource for pastors that will help them personally embrace the effort and also lead their congregations to engage in sharing their faith.

“As a pastor, it’s easy to live as a ‘professional Christian’ who urges others to bring people to faith in Christ without actually doing it myself,” Greear said. “There’s a saying, ‘Evangelism is caught as much as it is taught.’ When our people see us praying for lost friends, inviting them to church, and sharing the Gospel, they’ll join us! These Who’s Your One? resources give us pastors simple tools to call our people to join us in personal evangelism.”

As part of the emphasis, pastors can order a free kit from NAMB that includes several items to help their church practice evangelism. The package includes an implementation guide, a thirty-day prayer guide, a prayer journal, prayer bookmarks, and a poster. A USB drive includes digital resources including promotional graphics, slides, sermon outlines and transcripts, sample sermons, and a bulletin insert.

In a May 23 “NAMB News” email release, NAMB reported that more than twenty thousand kits have been mailed to thousands of churches and pastors, with more than one hundred thousand prayer guides and 1.3 million prayer bookmarks distributed. Churches can order resources at NAMB’s online store,, or through Pastors can also receive assistance by calling 800-634-2462.

“My favorite thing about the Who’s Your One? kit is that it provides pastors with resources to help kick start a wave of personal evangelism in their churches,” said Johnny Hunt, NAMB’s senior vice president of evangelism and leadership. “I pray that the Who’s Your One? movement encourages Southern Baptists to get back to our roots as a Gospel-focused people.”

Who’s Your One? is one part of Greear’s “Gospel Above All” theme for his presidency, which is designed to help Southern Baptists focus on the unifying mission of sharing the Gospel.

Other areas Greear is emphasizing include: Go2, which is a challenge for college students to strategically spend their first two years after graduation on the mission field; multiplying churches, which emphasizes church planting in North America and around the globe; and undivided churches, which helps congregations reflect the unity of God’s Kingdom to a divided world. More information can be found at

Who’s Your One? is one of several ways NAMB is elevating the importance of evangelism among Southern Baptists. Hunt officially joined the team at NAMB at the start of 2019 because of his passion to see Southern Baptists heighten their efforts to reach the lost in their communities.

As a part of that effort, NAMB launched a podcast—Evangelism with Johnny Hunt—that provides tips and interviews with pastors, began producing weekly evangelism videos, and continues hosting evangelism conferences such as Engage 24 across the nation.

“At NAMB, it’s all about the Gospel,” NAMB president Kevin Ezell said. “We want to do everything we possibly can to equip pastors and churches to reach their communities with the saving message of Jesus Christ.”

Learn more about NAMB’s evangelism resources at or by following Who’s Your One? on social media. In its first ninety days, the initiative has already drawn 15,800 followers on Facebook, 2,000 followers on Twitter, and 1,100 followers on Instagram.