
Bob Stith

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FIRST-PERSON: Transgender plea or demand?

Bob Stith, founder of Family and Gender Issues Ministries, questions transgender rights advocates and the media when it comes to protecting children from psychological harm of gender-confused individuals using the restrooms of the opposite sex.

FIRST-PERSON: A tale of 2 fathers

For parents with a child who has turned to a gay lifestyle, gender issues specialist Bob Stith advises, "Don't demonstrate a compassion that would ultimately put your loved one in conflict with God's Word and, whatever you do, don't turn your back on your child."

FIRST-PERSON: Funny thing about history

FORT WORTH, Texas (BP) -- “You’re on the wrong side of history.” I’ve heard this quote often in recent months particularly in regard to views on gay marriage. It is intended to leave the impression that the world has moved on and those who disagree with the popular sentiment have been left behind. It also removes any possibility for rational discussion because, “Surely you must understand that no intelligent person believes like you.”

FIRST-PERSON: Homosexuality & the question, ‘Has God said?’

Bob Stith, a Baptist specialist on gender issues, assesses arguments for homosexuality in a biblical context. "The correct question," Stith writes, "is 'Has God said?' If we determine that, all the other questions are superfluous."

FIRST-PERSON: You can help same-sex strugglers

Gender authority Bob Stith relays suggestions for how Southern Baptists, in their attitudes and awareness, can respond to same-sex strugglers.

FIRST-PERSON: Bullying & doing the right thing

Bob Stith, a Baptist specialist in gender issues, encourages Christians to come to the defense of children who are bullied -- including those with same-sex attractions.

AT ISSUE: On homosexuality, our actions speak the loudest

SOUTHLAKE, Texas (BP)–Comments on the issue of homosexuality made by Southern Seminary President Al Mohler have been a hot topic recently. Having listened carefully to his comments several times and then read his explanation of those comments in Baptist Press, I must confess I’m a little mystified. The views he expressed seemed perfectly consistent with […]

FIRST-PERSON: The challenges ahead

ORLANDO, Fla. (BP)--The Southern Baptist Convention annual meeting in Orlando will mark the third year since the establishment of the Southern Baptist Gender Issues office.

FIRST-PERSON: Same-sex attraction: Just a choice?

SOUTHLAKE, Texas (BP)--"It's just a choice," the respected pastor said to me confidently when I told him that God had led me to minister to people struggling with unwanted same-sex attraction.

FIRST-PERSON: When homosexuality hits home

SOUTHLAKE, Texas (BP)--"Could I talk to you?"       Those who have served in the booth for the Southern Baptist Convention's Task Force on Ministry to Homosexuals have heard this question many times.