BAPTISM SUNDAY: ‘Joyful celebration in the life of the church’
AUGUSTA, Ga. (BP) -- The first time I had the privilege of baptizing someone, I was a young seminary grad serving on a church staff in Florida. Dave stood 6' 4" tall and weighed considerably more than my 5' 11" 160-pound frame. All I could think was this: "Lord, please don't let me drop him, and Lord, don't let me leave him under!" To my unforgettable joy, Dave went under, came up, stood and raised his hands as we celebrated God's work of grace in his life. Dave gave witness to the Gospel message of salvation in Jesus Christ just as his wife had done several months earlier. What a moment!
LABOR DAY: On the clock
Don't trade your life for your job, David McKinley counsels, and don't waste your life in your job. "Career achievements will never substitute for a vibrant relationship with God," he writes.
FATHER’S DAY: The Character Challenge
Character is vital to being a good father, David McKinley writes, citing its key elements of responsibility, respect, restraint and resilience.
MOTHER’S DAY: Faith of Our Mothers
Mothers are a key influence for faith throughout the Scriptures, David McKinley writes. This Mother's Day, he suggests, voice gratitude to a godly mother "not just for all she's done, but also for her faith."
FIRST-PERSON: Welcome to the Masters
Augusta is more than the home of the Masters tournament, David McKinley writes, but also the beginning point for a network of pastors, teachers, church members, cultures, races, missionaries and even martyrs who "aspired to be used of God to change the world."
FIRST-PERSON: Virtues make the best Valentines
David McKinley encourages men "to raise a new standard of virtue in their hearts and homes with regard to all women" centered on respect, which is "at the core of what makes society, community and family work."
Ala. vs. Ga.: Post-season play in a postmodern era
AUGUSTA, Ga. (BP) -- At the risk of adding to the paralysis of analysis (ad infinitum, ad nauseam) following big games, I have found myself captured by a powerful parable I need to examine and express before time passes and the imagery of the Alabama victory fades. Monday night's National Championship game between Alabama and Georgia in the College Football Playoffs displayed all the expected traits of the strong, calculated and daring leadership Nick Saban has brought and continues to bring to college football in this era.
Political Seasons and Pastoral Leadership
Standing, speaking, leading, nurturing, and guiding God’s flock among you while addressing the confused and conflicted culture around you requires great discernment, fervent prayer, and deep conviction.
FIRST-PERSON: Essential discipleship
Discipleship entails three essential elements, David McKinley writes. Versus a "myopic view," discipleship encompasses conversion, spiritual formation and mission, the Georgia pastor notes in underscoring to believers, "You are an evangelist, mentor and missionary."
FIRST-PERSON: Political seasons & pastoral leadership
No pastor "can be silent and ignore the volatile trends or threatening winds of change and unrest in our culture today," David McKinley writes. The Georgia pastor relays guiding principles for answering such questions as "Pastor, where do you stand on ...?"