KATRINA 2005-15: ‘All we had was the spirit of God’
NEW ORLEANS (BP) -- On the weekend before Hurricane Katrina, we had 2,051 people in worship at Celebration Church. God was blessing our ministry, and we were growing significantly. Then Hurricane Katrina came to New Orleans. Both of our campuses were inundated by the waters of Hurricane Katrina. Our largest campus on Airline Drive was hit with a seven-foot wave of water. It was under water for two and a half weeks. We lost everything at that campus.
FIRST-PERSON: Making evangelism good news again
METAIRIE, La. (BP)--On the weekend of Aug. 26-28, the Celebration Congregation of New Orleans was planning to add a fifth weekend service. In a city often referred to as “the graveyard of churches,” our church was experiencing significant growth spiritually and numerically.