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Erin Roach/Southern Baptist TEXAN

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Families who planted Houston church came for NASA, stayed to spread the Gospel

HOUSTON (BP) -- Families who planted Houston church came for NASA, stayed to spread the Gospel

Texas pastor urges congregation to prioritize its commitment to local church

One of the most challenging obstacles pastors face is the same in congregations large and small: getting people to prioritize local church commitment over the activities constantly competing to fill up their weekly schedules.

Dallas house church network is model for those who may one day return to China

CEDAR HILL, Texas (BP) – Chinese believers who accept Christ while living in the U.S. might not be able to find an American-style church if they return to China. That’s part of the reason why Eugene Zhang is leading a house church movement in the Dallas-Fort Worth area as a model for what to expect if such a transition occurs.

East Texas planter discovers compelling – and surprising – need in hometown

GLADEWATER, Texas (BP) – When God called Teddy Sorrells to plant a church in 2020, he expected to be sent to San Francisco or Denver, one of the popular church planting cities. Instead, a quick demographics study led him to plant in the small East Texas town he’d been trying all his life to leave.

Texas church plant turning everyday places into sacred spaces

NEW BRAUNFELS, Texas (BP) – Hundreds of people have been reached in New Braunfels as Epic Life, a church plant, fulfills its vision of “transforming everyday places into sacred spaces” where people can connect to Christ.

En McAllen, un pastor ve la imagen de Dios en cada persona

MCALLEN, Texas (BP) — First Baptist Church en McAllen tiene un asiento de primera fila en la crisis fronteriza, y Steven Gaither, el pastor de la iglesia, dijo que, a pesar de los desafíos, “seguimos estando llamados a ver la imagen de Dios en cada persona.

Border-town pastor sees image of God in every person

MCALLEN, Texas (BP) – First Baptist Church in McAllen has a closeup look at the border crisis, and Steven Gaither, the church’s pastor, said despite the challenges, “we are still called to see the image of God in every person.”

Prayer movement boosts Northeast Houston Baptist Church

HUMBLE, Texas (BP) – A prayer movement undergirding Northeast Houston Baptist Church for nearly all of the past year has led to record-setting growth and signs of health, pastor Nathan Lino said. 

‘Product of CP’ leads Texas church to health

MABANK, Texas (BP) – When Southern Baptists tithe, the emphasis usually is on what they can give to support ministries throughout the world, but sometimes it’s worth considering what churches receive from the Cooperative Program. 

Despite church saturation, Gospel witness needed in Dallas suburb

DESOTO, Texas (BP) – As in much of the Dallas-Fort Worth Metroplex, churches are easy to find in DeSoto. What is harder to find, though, is a consistent Gospel witness leading to changed lives. With that need in mind, Ed Johnson III led a group to plant Harvest Fellowship Baptist Church.