
James Patterson

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Judge’s public comments called activism for Darwinism

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Judge John E. Jones III
HARRISBURG, Pa. (BP)--Federal Judge John E. Jones III has been on the campaign trail –- not for political office, but in behalf of his ruling upholding Darwinism against Intelligent Design.
      Jones has spoken to the Anti-Defamation League’s executive committee and at his college alma mater in Pennsylvania and given various interviews touting his December 2005 ruling in Kitzmiller v. Dover Area School Board against the teaching of Intelligent Design in Pennsylvania public school biology courses.

Evolution supporters likely to regain grip in Kansas following Tuesday primary wins

TOPEKA, Kan. (BP)--The results of an Aug. 1 primary election in Kansas likely will shift control of the state board of education to members who favor changing the state’s current science education standards toward declaring evolution as the only thesis for the origin of man.

Federal judge rules against Intelligent Design theory

HARRISBURG, Pa. (BP)--Intelligent Design may not be taught to science students in Pennsylvania public schools because it violates the Constitution’s Establishment Clause prohibiting government endorsement of religion, a federal judge ruled Dec. 20.

Trial concludes in case against Prison Fellowship’s faith-based rehab program

DES MOINES, Iowa (BP)--After a six-week trial, a lawsuit filed by Americans United for Separation of Church and State against a Prison Fellowship-sponsored rehabilitation program awaits a federal judge’s ruling.

Intelligent Design supporters lose in Pa. school board election

HARRISBURG, Pa. (BP)--Supporters of a Pennsylvania school district’s policy to make high school science students aware of Intelligent Design say they will not be dissuaded by a school board election that swept candidates into office who ran on a platform opposed to the policy.

Trial concludes: Fed. judge now weighing Pennsylvania Intelligent Design case

HARRISBURG, Pa. (BP)-–Prohibiting students from learning about Intelligent Design would cheapen their educational experience, a lawyer for the Dover Area School Board said in closing arguments at the conclusion of the first federal court case testing the constitutionality of the concept in public education.

Prison Fellowship becomes latest church-state battleground

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Faith under fire
Mark Earley, president of Prison Fellowship, visits with Texas prisoners participating in the voluntary, faith-based InnerChange Freedom Initiative – now the target of a federal lawsuit in Iowa.
DES MOINES, Iowa (BP)--Despite an impressive record of turning prisoners’ lives around, a faith-based program operated by Prison Fellowship is being challenged in federal court as unconstitutional.
      The plaintiffs, including Americans United for the Separation of Church and State and Jerry Ashburn, an inmate at Iowa’s Newton Correctional Facility about 23 miles east of Des Moines, are suing Virginia-based Prison Fellowship and its Christian rehabilitation program, the InnerChange Freedom Initiative.
      The lawsuit alleges that the voluntary program is an excessive entanglement of church and state violating the Establishment Clause of the First Amendment to the Constitution and the Bill of Rights to the Iowa constitution.

Intelligent Design defense begins in Pa. school trial

HARRISBURG, Pa. (BP)--Intelligent Design is based on provable, scientific evidence, a key witness testified as attorneys for a Pennsylvania school board began their defense of a policy attempting to balance the teaching of Darwinian evolution.

Prof’s view of Intelligent Design disputed by attorney at Pa. trial

HARRISBURG, Pa. (BP)--A university professor garnered headlines when she testified that there are significant links between Intelligent Design and creationism at the outset of a much-publicized federal trial in Pennsylvania.

Pa. school district defends intelligent design policy

HARRISBURG, Pa. (BP)--School officials from Dover, Pa., have begun defending in court their decision to teach ninth-grade students about the controversy surrounding evolution by mentioning the hot-button issue of Intelligent Design.