Can Michael Vick be forgiven?
NASHVILLE, Tenn. (BP)--Michael Vick, the gifted former quarterback for the National Football League's Atlanta Falcons, has been sentenced to 23 months in prison because of his conviction related to a dog-fighting network that, by his own admission, included gambling and killing dogs that fought.
God’s perfect love drives out fear, evangelists told
INDIANAPOLIS (BP)--Christian leaders must face their fears and admit they can do nothing without Christ, said Sammy Tippit, one of the featured speakers at a June 13 worship service sponsored by the Conference of Southern Baptist Evangelists. Tippit, an internationally-known evangelist from San Antonio, said the key to courage is God's perfect love, which drives out fear.
Southern Baptist Evangelists approve new by-laws
INDIANAPOLIS (BP)--It was like a good, old-fashioned Baptist business meeting June 14 during the annual session of the Conference of Southern Baptist Evangelists. Debate was lively, spontaneous and pointed and revolved largely around the fundamental Baptist issue of autonomy.
Chapman: SBC must be conservative & cooperative
INDIANAPOLIS (BP)--Morris H. Chapman, president of the Executive Committee of the Southern Baptist Convention, used the themes of conviction, cooperation and character, June 15, to celebrate the success of the conservative resurgence and to call for broadening the tent of participation in the convention.
FIRST-PERSON: ‘The Passion’ of a gifted storyteller
NASHVILLE, Tenn. (BP)--Hollywood is notorious for typecasting, but the truth is, we all typecast in some form or another, consciously or unconsciously, putting people into little boxes and then insisting they stay there.
FIRST-PERSON: Give at least $303.33 to Lottie
NASHVILLE, Tenn. (BP)-The highest-paid player in the NFL makes $20.6 million a year -- defensive end Michael Strahan of the New York Giants who pulls down the big bucks for sacking quarterbacks.
Attire aside, Falwell & Warren embrace biblical convictions
But he knew that Warren's doctrine was biblically solid, even if his "purpose-driven" methodology breached the river banks of most traditional churches.
"We discussed the fact that we were both of one Spirit, serving the same Lord," Warren recalled, which is why the brief combination of their ministries at "SuperConference 2003" is not as unusual a match as a superficial glance at their resumes may suggest.
‘Purpose-Driven Life’ among 5 book-of-the-year nominees
TEMPE, Ariz. (BP)--"The Purpose-Driven Life" by Rick Warren is a finalist for the Evangelical Christian Publishers Association's Christian Book of the Year Award. The award is based upon nominations by Christian retailers.
Jack Graham to religion writers: SBC is ‘strong & compassionate’
NASHVILLE, Tenn. (BP)--Calling the ministry of Southern Baptists "strong and compassionate," SBC President Jack Graham gave a state of the denomination report to religion reporters from across the nation Sept. 20.
Family Life Council says it’s time to bring family back to life
Elliff explains "kingdom families" Photo by Kent Harville |
Among the facts they found:
-- 88 percent of the children raised in evangelical homes leave church at the age of 18, never to return.
-- The divorce ratio among members of evangelical churches is virtually the same as among non-church members.
-- In the United States, 1 million children see their parents divorce.
-- Approximately two-thirds of the members of Southern Baptist churches attend church only sporadically.
-- Personal bankruptcies are at an all-time high in America.
-- The majority of children in America have less than 10 minutes of significant and meaningful conversation with their parents each week. If you remove the mother, you can measure this statistic in seconds.