FIRST-PERSON: Our Chamberlain or Churchill moment?
Neville Chamberlain was Prime Minister of the United Kingdom from May 1937 to May 1940. Fair or not, Chamberlain is best known for his appeasement policy toward Hitler. The Munich Agreement was signed by both Hitler and Chamberlain on Sept. 30, 1938, ceding the German-speaking Sudetenland region of Czechoslovakia to Nazi Germany in the hope that such appeasement would bring peace amid global instability.
FIRST-PERSON: What Christmas can teach us about our troubles
NASHVILLE (BP) – We live in an anxious, troubled age. Many are troubled about a number of things – politics, economics, race, family, education, health and the list only grows from there.
FIRST-PERSON: Suppression of the Truth
NASHVILLE (BP) – It is an understatement to say that we live in a world where truth is struggling. Some speak in ways that would have been foreign to previous generations when truth corresponded to reality.
FIRST-PERSON: The premature death of the SBC?
According to some, especially in the secular media, funeral arrangements are being made for the once lauded Southern Baptist Convention. Mission drift has morphed into personal rancor. Division, distrust and deception seem to be the rule rather than the exception.
FIRST-PERSON: Deconstructing Deconversion
NASHVILLE (BP) – It has happened again. A prominent “Christian” artist has deconverted from the Christian faith. What is happening?
FIRST-PERSON: Outside the castle walls
NASHVILLE (BP) -- When Constantine achieved his remarkable victory over Maxentius’ superior military force on Oct. 28, 312 A.D., at the Milvian Bridge, just outside the walls of Rome, something happened that the Church has been dealing with ever since – the past 1,700 years.
FIRST-PERSON: One church’s COVID-19 story
NASHVILLE (BP) – Over the past several months I have been repeatedly asked, “Are you guys (the church) meeting in person? And, how are you guys doing?” My answer is always the same. Yes, we are meeting for in-person worship. And yes, by God’s grace, we are doing remarkably well.
FIRST-PERSON: An ode to my teacher
Kevin Shrum reflects on his favorite teacher and the impact she had on his life and adds: "Let us pray for our teachers as they embark on what may be one of the most unusual years in their teaching career."
FIRST-PERSON: What evangelism is not
NASHVILLE, Tenn. (BP)--The Great Commission Resurgence proposals within the Southern Baptist Convention have reminded us of the high priority of evangelism and local/global missions.
FIRST-PERSON: Faith’s role in the public square
NASHVILLE, Tenn. (BP)--What is the role of religion in the public square? Some would call for a Christian theocracy. Others would suggest a completely religion-free public square.