FIRST-PERSON: The “shire” of religious freedom under siege
Much like the Shire in Tolkien's The Hobbit was isolated from the evil of the outside world, the church in America has largely avoided the religious persecution seen around the world.
FIRST-PERSON: A major Supreme Court case for church-run schools
Can church schools legally hire only teachers who share their beliefs? Attorney and columnist Kevin Theriot says an upcoming U.S. Supreme Court case will decide that.
FIRST-PERSON: Shocking opinion protects religious speech
A shocking Supreme Court opinion favoring Fred Phelps' infamous church was a victory for religious speech, attorney and columnist Kevin Theriot says.
FIRST-PERSON: Examining religious freedom on Constitution Day
SCOTTSDALE, Ariz. (BP)--This Friday's celebration of Constitution Day together with recent news coverage of plans to build a mosque near Ground Zero and a small church's abandoned intent to burn a Quran ...