Community ties present challenge in South Africa
DIPHAGANE, South Africa (BP) -- Early one Saturday morning, a mission group from two Baptist churches in Virginia attended a funeral in the yard of a deceased South African's home. Hundreds of Pedi villagers poured in for the funeral. Some were close friends or family members, while others barely knew her, but because of their sense of community they all felt compelled to go. ...
As Ebola fears persist, churches keep reaching W. Africa
JOHANNESBURG (BP) -- Ebola has struck fear in many Americans considering mission trips to the continent of Africa within the last few months. Many churches are cancelling trips, even to countries not affected by the disease, Southern Baptist mission workers report. Only a few congregations continue to push forward with sharing the Gospel there.
Storytelling missionary dies from cancer
ZAMBIA (BP) -- IMB missionary Jeff Powers died July 10 after fighting a yearlong battle with cancer. He was 50. The witness Powers shared -- one that led many to know Christ -- will continue through the oral Bible storying ministry he led in Zambia.