
Philip Barber

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Roy Fish & Malcolm McDow: ‘Fishers of Men’

FORT WORTH, Texas (BP)--Matthew 4:18 details the initial encounter between Jesus and the brothers Simon (Peter) and Andrew by the Sea of Galilee. The two fishermen were casting their nets into the water when Jesus approached them and invited them to follow Him, promising to make His first two disciples "fishers of men." The Bible records that they immediately left their nets and followed Him.

They’re emissaries for God in unusual ways, unusual places

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Global passion
Richard Headrick, a businessman based in Laurel, Miss., who is active in numerous missions worldwide, delivers a gospel message to children during one of his trips into Asia.

      ST. LOUIS (BP)--A tall, bearded man clad in fatigues leaped from the taxicab in front of one of the city's most prestigious hotels. The alert bellman quickly inquired of the stranger, whose ponytail extended to his waist, "Are you dropping off or picking up?"
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Loving lepers
Gina Headrick, who travels the world with her businessman husband Richard to share the gospel, comforts a woman with leprosy during one of their trips abroad.
      Richard Headrick, president and chairman of the board of 13 national and international corporations, tried to politely explain to the hotel employee that he was not the taxi driver but that he and his wife, Gina, along with their pilot and his wife would be registering as guests of the Adam's Mark hotel.
      The couple had just arrived in St. Louis in their own private airplane, inspired from a hurried 19-day, nine-country tour of encouragement visiting students from Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary who are finishing their missions degrees by two years of evangelism and ministry on the field.