Cooperation & the Southern Baptist Convention
NASHVILLE, Tenn. (BP) -- Recognizing the drain frequent financial requests made on the churches, our Baptist forbears in the opening decades of the 20th century hammered out a plan that recognized and sought to address this problem.
Election — God’s gracious purpose
NASHVILLE, Tenn. (BP) -- Southern Baptists are a diverse people. Nowhere is this diversity more apparent than on the subject of election.
A Few Cents Worth
A drop of rain. A seed of corn. A thin red cent. None, by itself, seems significant. But collectively — and cooperatively — a drop joining with other drops of rain becomes a deluge. The grains of corn feed an army. The thin red cents fund a movement. The Cooperative Program is like that. The […]
Cooperative Program Facing Economic Challenges
A recent study by LifeWay Research found that, though the national economy shows signs of improving, the economic state of many of our cooperating churches continues to face challenges. The status of church financial health has a direct impact on the strength and viability of the Cooperative Program. The Cooperative Program is not a "top-down" […]
Cooperative Program Facing Economic Challenges
A recent study by LifeWay Research found that, though the national economy shows signs of improving, the economic state of many of our cooperating churches continues to face challenges. The status of church financial health has a direct impact on the strength and viability of the Cooperative Program. The Cooperative Program is not a "top-down" […]
God the Holy Spirit ~ His Role in Salvation
In 1961, John W. Peterson wrote Heaven Came Down and Glory Filled My Soul, a Gospel song that was to become wildly popular among Baptists and other evangelical Christians. It ultimately made its way into the 1975 Baptist Hymnal. Part of its appeal was a blending of what some older Baptists called "experimental religion" with […]
Southern Baptists: Protecting life
NASHVILLE, Tenn. (BP)--During the early days of the so-called "culture war" between proponents of life and promoters of death, those who argue for elective abortions accused those who defended the right to life of only caring for the infant in the womb. For centuries Baptists around the world have been caring for children of every age, and Southern Baptists are part of this caring tradition. What follows is a "Top Ten" list of ways Southern Baptists invest themselves in life.
Southern Baptists – Promoting, Protecting, and Providing for Life
During the early days of the so-called "culture war" between proponents of life and promoters of death, those who argue for elective abortions accused those who defended the right to life of only caring for the infant in the womb. For centuries Baptists around the world have been caring for children of every age. Southern […]