Missions video series emphasizes God’s expectations of believers
BIRMINGHAM, Ala. (BP)--Finish this Bible verse: "Be still and ... ."
Sexual purity commitment requires Christ, speakers tell teenagers
ATLANTA (BP)–Even if she received no cards, no roses and no candy for Valentine’s Day, a 50-year-old single New Orleans author and storyteller said she would still go to bed that night feeling like the Queen of Sheba. Her sense of worth does not depend on a man’s attention, said Gwen Williams. A relationship with […]
Practice what you preach, minister admonishes parents
ATLANTA (BP)–Parents must structure their families around biblical principles if they expect to survive as family units, a minister, husband and father told 100 parents and youth leaders Feb. 14. “The family’s ability to withstand the world’s destructive pressure is directly related to the position of authority Christ has in your household,” Pennon Lockhart said […]
Teens & body piercing: What’s a parent to do?
NASHVILLE, Tenn. (BP)–Parents and youth ministers who would rather their teenagers not yield to the body piercing fad are best armed with one question: Why? “My oldest son wanted an earring, and I said, ‘Why?'” recalled Ken Freeman, San Antonio, Texas,-based youth evangelist. “I said when you can give me a good reason, we’ll talk […]
Mentoring plays key role in reaching young women
BIRMINGHAM, Ala. (BP)??To impact today’s young adults, trade the “show and tell” style of teaching for an approach that says come and do, a number of Southern Baptist adult consultants recommend.Don’t just show young adults pictures of mission fields; take them on a mission trip. Don’t simply tell young adults to trust the Lord in […]
Male teachers have lasting, positive impact on children
CHARLOTTESVILLE, Va. (BP)–Leon Castle might be mistaken for a military recruiter because he’s constantly looking for a few good men. He prepares them for battle, but not with guns and bombs. His recruits are armed with integrity and dependability and assigned to the children’s ministry. When men are involved in children’s education, “it communicates that […]
Volunteers Still Needed for Crossover New Orleans
From the New Orleans' French Quarter to a women's prison, Southern Baptists will present the gospel throughout New Orleans June 8 before they venture to the SuperDome to conduct business. Known as Crossover, the witnessing effort that precedes the SBC annual meeting has become a multi-faceted evangelism blitz. "This is an opportunity to reach thousands […]
Abortion: Saying ‘Yes’ to Those Who Say ‘No’
On Sanctity of Human Life Sunday, Jan. 21, Southern Baptists will turn their attention to the value of human beings, including unborn children. While Sylvia Boothe welcomes the attention, she challenges Southern Baptists to be actively involved in such issues throughout the year. As director of the Home Mission Board's Alternatives to Abortion Ministries office, […]