Lead On Podcast

2002 Billy Graham Dallas (Ft. Worth/Irving)

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Billy Graham keeps the focus on Jesus

FORT WORTH, Texas (BP)--The man who gave crusade evangelism credibility during the 20th century is now limited by the effects of Parkinson's disease. But the mind and the heart of Southern Baptist evangelist Billy Graham remains focused on Jesus.

Graham breaks stadium records, relaying gospel to young & old

IRVING, Texas (BP)--Evangelist Billy Graham broke attendance records for Texas Stadium the last two nights of the Oct. 17-20 Metroplex Mission.

Billy Graham returns to Texas for 4-day Metroplex Mission

FORT WORTH, Texas (BP)--At 83 and battling Parkinson's disease -- and with former President George Bush providing the introduction -- evangelist Billy Graham made a historic return to north Texas to launch his Metroplex Mission Oct. 17-20 at Texas Stadium in Irving.