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FIRST-PERSON: Asking the right questions

ATLANTA (BP)–Life can be greatly enhanced by asking questions. But it is significantly important that you ask the right questions. There are MORAL and ETHICAL questions that should be asked, such as:

— Is this decision ethical?

— Is this that I am about to do morally right, especially with God?

— Is what I am about to do really putting first the Kingdom of God and his righteousness? (Matthew 6:33)

There are also some PRACTICAL questions to ask:

— Can I afford this?

— Is this part of my already accepted priorities?

— Will what I am about to do affect others adversely, especially my friends and family?

— Is the timing right?

But there is another question that one must ask, which King David wisely asked. This question has subsequent questions that would follow. David asks, in Psalm 24:8,10, “Who is the King of glory?” Then David waits for an answer, or answers it for himself, “Who is the King of glory? The Lord strong and mighty. The Lord mighty in battle…Who is the King of glory? The Lord of hosts. He is the King of glory….”

David was wisely asking, “Who is it who controls everything? Who is over all the affairs of men, and therefore over my life also?” David wanted to know if there really was anyone who was in control, directing his life and the lives of those around him. Now, this is the right question to ask, for everything else is determined by the answer! But if you ever ask this question, it is crucial to wait for the answer, and not try to guess!

In the answer David gives, there are several important words. Key to this answer is the word, “Lord!”

In all of life, is there someone who is Lord? If so, everything else will fit together. If the Lord is real and present, he can “work all things together for good, to those who love Him and are the called according to His purpose….” (Romans 8:28). If he is Lord, then everything he purposes and plans, and even thinks, is certain and sure, and life can be based securely on his Word (see Isaiah 46:9-11; 14:24, 27; Jeremiah 29:11-13).

If (or since) he is Lord, it is wise to seek his counsel, and then obey what he says. This is true in your personal life, your family life and your business or workplace. It certainly would be true for your church life.

Then David adds, this one who is Lord is “strong and mighty” and he is the “King of glory.” “Glory” means, he does it all, openly and before a watching world. He “reveals openly” who he is and what he does.

This is true for your life also. The world may see him in your life — how he is Lord and King to you. If you are asking THIS question and waiting for his answer, you are where you ought to be and now need to wait on him, and then obey when he speaks to you.
Information about Henry Blackaby Ministries is available on the Web at His column appears monthly in Baptist Press.

    About the Author

  • Henry T. Blackaby