
SBC Life Articles from 2004

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El DOJ acusa al exrector interino Matt Queen de un delito de falsificación de documentos

NEW YORK, N.Y. (BP) – La Fiscalía Federal del Distrito Sur de Nueva York ha anunciado hoy (21 de mayo) una acusación contra el exrector interino del Seminario Teológico Bautista Southwestern, Matt Queen. En un comunicado, los investigadores alegan un cargo de falsificación de registros “en relación con las notas falsificadas que Queen presentó al FBI relacionadas con una investigación federal en curso”.

‘Accepting the other.’ Arab Christian paramedic in Nazareth promotes unity

NAZARETH, Israel (BP) – As a 15-year-old high school student in Nazareth, Arab Christian Yasmeen Mazzawi wanted to learn the history of the Jews she met volunteering as a paramedic with Magen David Adom (MDA), Israel’s national emergency medical services.

Bible Study: Honest fellowship

The fellowship that will help us grow as Christians depends on honesty and authenticity.

South Asian believers become full partners in missionary work

Campbell and Elizabeth Bach dream of seeing the peoples of South Asia reached with the Gospel. They serve as leaders on a small team responsible for sharing the Gospel and planting churches among tens of thousands of villages, encompassing many millions of people, and spanning hundreds of miles. Many people groups in this region remain unreached and unengaged with the Gospel. Their task is immense.

BGCT Executive Board prepares for possible influx of out-of-state churches

BELTON, Texas (BP) – The Baptist General Convention of Texas Executive Board has affirmed the creation of a study group concerning out-of-state churches that want to affiliate with the BGCT’s GC2 movement.

Disaster Relief on-site after deadly Iowa tornado

GREENFIELD, Iowa (BP) — Missouri Baptist Disaster Relief volunteers are working alongside peers in Iowa to help residents recovering from an EF-3 tornado that destroyed sections of this city May 21. It was among a tornado outbreak that ultimately killed at least five people and injured at least 35.

Queen pleads not guilty in charges related to document, notebook

NEW YORK (BP) – Former Southwestern Seminary interim provost Matthew Queen issued a statement through his attorney Wednesday (May 22) asserting his innocence of federal charges brought through a Department of Justice investigation.

Desire for document to ‘go away,’ falsified notebook at heart of Queen investigation

NEW YORK (BP) — A timeline provided by the U.S. attorney charging a former Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary interim provost with impeding a federal investigation includes the failure to report the destruction of a document outlining an allegation of sexual abuse at the seminary as well as falsifying notes related to a conversation about the document.

How to pray when you don’t feel like praying

Are you motivated to pray? The word “motivation” doesn’t appear in older dictionaries since it wasn’t coined until the mid-19th century and didn’t come into common use until the 20th century.