FIRST-PERSON: The Baptist Faith and Message 2000 as a teaching tool
In 1925, the Southern Baptist Convention convened in Memphis, Tenn. At that momentous meeting, messengers made two decisions with far-reaching consequences. First, they adopted the Baptist Faith and Message. Second, they launched the Cooperative Program as a unified funding strategy for Southern Baptist ministries. In remarks to the SBC Executive Committee earlier this year, SBC President Clint Pressley rightly referred to the Baptist Faith and Message and the Cooperative Program as the “two rails” of the Southern Baptist Convention.
Tightening BF&M amendment process among EC’s recommendations
NASHVILLE (BP) – The Baptist Faith and Message (BF&M) soon could be more difficult to amend. That’s a good thing, says the SBC messenger whose motion this summer in Indianapolis helped initiate the change.
FIRST-PERSON: The two rails of the Southern Baptist Convention
I want to remind us of what is good about being a Southern Baptist. That's why I've chosen Hebrews chapter 10, verses 23 and 24, to be the theme verses for this year. And the theme statement will be “Hold fast.”
Mohler agrees with amendment to Baptist Faith and Message, shares concern about process
NASHVILLE (BP) – A leading voice in the SBC believes the amendment to the Baptist Faith and Message made by messengers to the 2023 SBC Annual Meeting helps clarify what Southern Baptists believe about the office of pastor. But R. Albert Mohler Jr. has some concerns about the way the amendment was made.
Juan Sanchez discusses Constitutional amendment on office of pastor
NASHVILLE (BP) – Texas pastor Juan Sanchez believes Southern Baptists can walk and chew gum at the same. Sanchez led the way for messengers at the 2023 SBC Annual Meeting to affirm the first reading of an amendment to the SBC Constitution that would include a statement saying only men can serve in the role of pastor or elder in a cooperating church.
Local church autonomy makes cooperation stronger, say Southern Baptist leaders
NASHVILLE (BP) – There is an old, not-so-funny joke Southern Baptist preachers like to tell. It starts with this question: Where is the headquarters of the Southern Baptist Convention?
SBC DIGEST: Conservative Baptist Network hosts Bible conference; NOBTS scholarship helps students affected by COVID
More than 200 church leaders and members from across the Mid-South gathered on the campus of Mid-America Baptist Theological Seminary for the Conservative Baptist Network’s inaugural Bible conference. Phase two of the Bridge Campaign, a special scholarship fund benefiting New Orleans Baptist Theological Seminary and Leavell College students impacted by COVID-19, has surpassed its goal of $150,000.
SBC DIGEST: Chinese Baptist leader Simon Tsoi dies; North Carolina search team holds first meeting
Simon Tsoi, former executive director of the Chinese Baptist Fellowship, dies; North Carolina search team tasked with finding a new executive director names officers, sets deadline for recommendations.
Evangelism and Missions: The Heartbeat of God
We can witness with great assurance that His Word will not return void; it will accomplish what He pleases.
Hell—The Place of Everlasting Punishment
Hell is a place of eternal punishment and torment where God metes out His wrath against sin.