TOOLBOX: Unchanging Truth
God’s Word is forever young and has no shelf life. This is because his truth is eternal. There will never be a need to update the Bible because its truth never changes.
God’s Word is forever young and has no shelf life. This is because his truth is eternal. There will never be a need to update the Bible because its truth never changes.
Adobe Stock Photo. Do not publish.
The holiday season is a perfect time for churches to connect with the congregation as well as potential first-time guests. With increased opportunities for engagement during this busy time, effective communication is crucial. Here are five do’s and five don’ts to make your holiday church communication effective.
Adobe Stock Photo. Do not publish.
I admit it: sometimes I allow the idol of worry to divert me from the answer to worry. Maybe you do, too.
Being a pastor is difficult. I remember my mentor in ministry telling me when I was in my early twenties that if I could do anything else, I should do that. He warned me there would be days that I wished I was working in any other sort of job. He was right. But I couldn’t do anything else–or rather—I couldn’t without feeling I was running from God, and he agreed that was a sign that God was calling me to be a pastor.
Have you ever noticed that when you watch a movie or television show and a nightclub is part of the scene, there seems to be two different types of security strategies?
Every church ministers in seasons: Christmas season, Easter season, VBS and church camp season, fall ministry launch season, hunting season, travel baseball season, and snowbird season, to name a few.