
Bob Brown/WORLD News Service

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Mont. Senate passes novel late-term abortion rules

HELENA, Mont. (BP) -- The Montana state Senate has passed a bill requiring abortionists to try to save babies born at 24 weeks of gestation and older. Even if the Republican-controlled House passes Senate Bill 282, the bill still faces an uncertain future. The Senate voted 32–18 in favor of the bill, just shy of a two-thirds majority needed to override a likely veto from pro-abortion Democratic Gov. Steve Bullock. Montana law currently prohibits late-term abortions except to save the mother's life. But SB 282 would require the abortionist, even in that rare case, to induce labor ...

Okla. mandates pro-life signs in public facilities

OKLAHOMA CITY (BP) -- Within a year, restrooms in Oklahoma's motels, medical facilities, and restaurants may contain signs encouraging pregnant women to carry their babies to term. On Tuesday (Dec. 13), by an 8-1 vote, the Oklahoma State Department of Health approved regulations requiring all department-licensed facilities to place specially worded signs in their public restrooms. The new rules would even apply to Oklahoma's abortion centers.

Judge blocks Indiana abortion law

INDIANA (BP) -- A federal judge on June 30 blocked an Indiana law banning abortions in cases when a baby is diagnosed before birth with a genetic abnormality such as Down syndrome. The Indiana law, one of only two of its kind in the United States, was set to go into effect July 1. In March, Indiana Gov. Mike Pence signed a statute also designed to outlaw sex-selection abortions and the buying and selling of fetal tissue. In addition, the law would require that the bodies of aborted or miscarried babies be treated in a dignified manner through cremation or burial rather than be disposed of in large ...

Undercover videos seized from David Daleiden’s apartment

ORANGE COUNTY, Calif. (BP) -- Center for Medical Progress director David Daleiden revealed on April 5 that agents from the California attorney general's office searched his Orange County apartment, seizing "all video footage" related to CMP's investigation into Planned Parenthood's involvement in the fetal tissue trade. Reporting the raid on CMP's Facebook page, Daleiden characterized the search and seizure of the videos as an "attack ...