
News Articles by Kelly Boggs

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FIRST-PERSON: Alamo courage

Weekly columnist Kelly Boggs writes about the courage of those who fought for the Alamo. He contends Christian leaders need that type of courage today.

FIRST-PERSON: Darwin Day, a leap of faith

Efforts by evolution proponents to establish a "Darwin Day" entail a leap of faith in their "chief prophet," Baptist Press columnist Kelly Boggs writes.

FIRST-PERSON: An extraordinary mentor

Although Baptist Press columnist Kelly Boggs spent just three years on the church staff of Brother Franks, recounts the influence of "this true man of God was almost beyond words to describe."

FIRST-PERSON: Russian Bear awakening to morality

Baptist Press columnist Kelly Boggs notes that Russia seems on a trajectory to surpass America in its moral values. "It wouldn't be the first time the Lord used an unlikely source to communicate truth," Boggs writes. "Just ask the wayward prophet Balaam."

FIRST-PERSON: Natalie Grant & the Grammys

Singer-songwriter Natalie Grant, in exiting the Grammy Awards show, demonstrated how Christians can navigate today's post-Christian, postmodern culture with graciousness and wisdom, Baptist Press columnist Kelly Boggs writes.

FIRST-PERSON: I misjudged Richard Sherman

Kelly Boggs shares how a little research changed his initial perception of Seattle Seahawks’ Richard Sherman, who made headlines for his postgame rant following the NFC championship game.

FIRST-PERSON: Silent amid the killing

Baptist Press columnist Kelly Boggs reflects on the parallel between the millions in Nazi Germany and the millions in America today marked by a complicit silence in the extermination of innocent lives.

FIRST-PERSON: Pedophilia, Italy … & us?

In overturning the pedophilia conviction of a 60-year-old social worker, the Italian Supreme Court joins "a growing number who are more than willing to acquiesce to the prevailing winds of perversity in regard to adult depravity and child sexuality," Baptist Press columnist Kelly Boggs writes.

FIRST-PERSON: Phil Robertson & us

Baptist Press columnist assesses why so many people rallied behind Duck Dynasty patriarch Phil Robertson in the recent dust-up over his remarks about homosexuality.

FIRST-PERSON: ‘Duck Dynasty’ — dialogue anyone?

Baptist Press columnist Kelly Boggs calls for logical, scientific dialogue regarding homosexuality in American culture following the "Duck Dynasty" fiasco.