
Mark H. Hunter

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Pornography plague confronted by church’s ‘Battle Plan’

NORTH MOBILE, Ala. (BP) -- "We are men with a battle plan. We are men of God."       Those words -- a declaration of war against the scourge of pornography -- were voiced by hundreds of men gathered in a church auditorium and joined by hundreds of others across the nation via webcast.

Pastor & imam debate, agree to seek truth

[QUOTE@left@180="You say you believe in one God but you don't believe Muhammad is his prophet ..."
-- Muslim imam
          to Baptist pastor]MUMBAI, India (BP) -- It was hot, stuffy and crowded in the one-room shack, deep in a labyrinth of slums of Mumbai, India, when the door burst open. Angry Muslim men ordered everyone to get out -- except for one.

Church’s poverty game raises $30,000 for hunger

AMITE, La. (BP) — Instead of preaching a sermon for World Hunger Sunday, pastor Mike Foster divided the congregation into three groups and played the Poverty Bean Game. The game, which demonstrates the disparity of wealth between developed countries like the United States and Third World countries like Haiti, stirred members of First Baptist Church […]

Bible travels to 4 wars with 5 members of Baptist family

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This small pocket-sized New Testament belongs to a Louisiana Southern Baptist family and has been taken to four different wars -- and brought back safely by the family member each time. The family "War Bible" was first taken into World War II by Wilton Borskey, 80, of Port Hudson, La. During that war he folded down the page marking John 3, seen here, to make the popular text easily accessible. Photo by Mark H. Hunter
HAUGHTON, La. (BP)--With his return from Iraq in 2003, U.S. Marine Cpl. Jermey Vickers of First Baptist Haughton became the fifth member of his family to carry the same New Testament to war and back.
The dog-eared New Testament, known as the family’s “War Bible,” wears a worn leather cover held together by tape.
Its six-decade journey through four wars began in the pocket of Wilton Borskey, 80, of Port Hudson Baptist in Port Hudson, La., who shipped off to the South Pacific as a Navy Seabee in 1944.
In 1968, Borskey gave it to his nephew, George M. “Butch” Borskey Jr., of Calvary Baptist in Thibodaux, La., who went to Vietnam.