Lead On Podcast

Melissa Meredith

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FIRST-PERSON: Looking for community?

"God's design for true community," Melissa Meredith writes, "is more than having a group of girlfriends around your age that you go shopping with or have over for dinner occasionally. It is something much deeper and altogether more than we could ever create ourselves."

FIRST-PERSON: Tips to young women in ministry

Melissa Meredith recounts advice she received from wise women during her first years in ministry -- women who were "familiar with the joys, the stumbling blocks and the perseverance" that would mark her experiences.

FIRST-PERSON: Burnt aprons, hospitality & the Gospel

For Christian women who want to have hospitable hearts and homes, Melissa Meredith writes that it "does not depend on your home mirroring the pages of House Beautiful or mastering Martha Stewart's latest recipe."

FIRST-PERSON: Fighting for Eden

Columnist Melissa Meredith gives biblical and practical advice for wives and moms who are protecting themselves and their families from poor entertainment choices, such as on TV and in the movies.