FIRST-PERSON: Be alert amid Bible distortions
While Belief systems such as Mormonism and Islam profess high regard for Scripture, Rob Phillips notes that "in fact, they deny its inspiration, inerrancy or preservation."
FIRST-PERSON: Why hell is forever
The subject of hell is disturbing, Rob Phillips acknowledges, yet it is a biblical truth upheld by Jesus. But with Jesus' birth, death and resurrection, no one has to choose to go there, Phillips writes.
FIRST-PERSON: Is the Bible limited to 66 books?
The 66 books in the Bible will remain as the complete written revelation of God, Rob Phillips writes.
MORMONISM: Joseph Smith & polygamy — a teachable moment
JEFFERSON CITY, Mo. (BP) -- Does it make any difference that Joseph Smith, founder of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, married as many as 40 women, some of whom already were married and one who was only 14?
FIRST-PERSON: Earthquakes — what good are they?
Plate tectonics, and the earthquakes it causes, is a key element of God's design to sustain human life, Rob Phillips writes. Ardent atheists fail, however, when they attempt "to make the leap from tragic consequences of natural disasters to accusations that God is aloof, petulant or non-existent."
Snake handlers don’t classify as cultists
JEFFERSON CITY, Mo. (BP) -- When the Rev. Jamie Coots, co-star of National Geographic Channel's reality TV show "Snake Salvation" was bitten on the hand by a rattlesnake, he refused medical treatment and died in less than two hours.
FIRST-PERSON: What good is Christian apologetics?
After asking "What good is Christian apologetics," Rob Phillips examines how sound doctrine can be applied practically when believers defend their faith.
FIRST-PERSON: What happened to the Christmas story?
Columnist Rob Phillips notes some ways the modern telling of the Christmas story may not be biblically or historically accurate.
FIRST-PERSON: Assessing ‘Chrislam’
JEFFERSON CITY, Mo. -- Christians sharing the Gospel in Muslim-dominated countries take incredible risks. And converts from Islam to Christianity are routinely banished, imprisoned or murdered.
CALL TO PRAYER: The persecuted church
Information about the International Day of Prayer for the Persecuted Church on Nov. 3 is relayed by Rob Phillips of the Missouri Baptist Convention. Christians are the most persecuted religious group in the world today, Phillips writes, noting that an estimated 75 percent of acts of religious intolerance are directed against Christians.