Food for refugee influx provided by Baptists’ GHR
SOUTHEAST ASIA (BP) -- "I don't want to go back," Naomi* said, her voice thick with emotion. The middle-aged woman wiped away tears with the tail of her headscarf as she recounted how a Muslim group nearly beat her husband to death over an alleged blasphemy charge. Naomi's youngest sons, ages 12 and 17, sat quietly on the concrete floor. They chimed in occasionally to help their mother when certain English phrases eluded her. Floor fans churned the steamy air in a small apartment in this Southeast Asian city as Naomi told about the events that forced her family to flee their native country to the east.
Motion for soul-winning task force affirmed at SBC
PHOENIX (BP) -- Messengers to the Southern Baptist Convention proposed 11 motions during two 15-minute scheduled segments of the 2017 annual meeting in Phoenix. Messengers voted affirmatively on one of the motions, submitted by Kevin Ezell, president of the North American Mission Board and member of First Baptist Church in Alpharetta, Ga., to authorize the convention's president to appoint a task force to study how Southern Baptists "could be more effective in personal soul-winning and evangelistic preaching."
Baptists Continue Ministry Despite Immigration Battle
Despite the legal battle Texas leaders wage with the federal government over the resettlement of Syrian refugees, many Baptists retain their tireless commitment to share the Gospel with their Muslim neighbors.