TAYLORS, S.C. (BP)–In this last article regarding the National Evangelism Initiative, let me state my deep hope that this year’s annual meeting in Indianapolis will be the beginning of the greatest time of evangelism in the history of the Southern Baptist Convention.
As I said previously, Dr. Bobby Welch has brought the issue of soul-winning and evangelism to our convention in powerful ways. Now, let us show churches how to be soul-winners.
We have talked about the initiative’s aspect of praying, the aspect of engaging and the aspect of sowing. One other area for consideration is the area of harvesting. In other words, we wish to see every church harvesting and celebrating every salvation response. The Bible says in John 4:34-35, “My food is to do the will of Him who sent Me and to finish His work.” Jesus told them. “Don’t you say, ‘There are still four more months, then comes the harvest’? Listen [to what] I’m telling you: Open your eyes and look at the fields, for they are ready for harvest. The reaper is already receiving pay and gathering fruit for eternal life, so the sower and reaper can rejoice together.”
Wouldn’t it be wonderful to see every Southern Baptist church involved in intentional evangelism, soul-winning and yes, baptizing record numbers of persons? In my own church, we have seen our baptisms increase dramatically over the last few years to the highest levels in our history. We thank God for this! I would love to see this happen in every church across the convention. Then begins the wonderful process of teaching these believers and discipling them in the faith. It involves baptizing them as a public display of their commitment to Christ. It brings new life to churches.
Would you join me in praying that all of our churches will be harvesting record numbers of persons for the Lord? Let us pray for this National Evangelism Initiative. Let us ask God for his smile upon this tremendous effort.
Frank Page is president of the Southern Baptist Convention and pastor of First Baptist Church in Taylors, S.C.