CALL TO PRAYER: Individuals, churches, SBC entities — pray ‘like never before’
NASHVILLE (BP) -- For some time, God has been burdening my heart about prayer and spiritual awakening. I talked about this a great deal when I was president of the Southern Baptist Convention (2006-08). I saw then what was happening in our nation, in our churches and in our convention. That deep sense of need for revival in our land has only gotten stronger over these past six years.
A Word from Frank Page
Our annual meeting theme is “A Great Commission People with a Great Commandment Heart.” This issue of SBC LIFE demonstrates that we are seeking to be just that! I just returned from the storm-ravaged state of Alabama. Seeing first-hand the many acts of compassionate service by so many volunteers made me proud to be […]
Evangelism initiative (part 4)
TAYLORS, S.C. (BP)--In this last article regarding the National Evangelism Initiative, let me state my deep hope that this year's annual meeting in Indianapolis will be the beginning of the greatest time of evangelism in the history of the Southern Baptist Convention.
Evangelism initiative (part 3)
TAYLORS, S.C. (BP)--I have been speaking recently about the upcoming Southern Baptist Convention annual meeting in Indianapolis, where our North American Mission Board will share a national evangelism strategy.
Evangelism initiative (part 2)
TAYLORS, S.C. (BP)--In a previous first-person column, I talked about the presentation of our North American Mission Board at this year's Southern Baptist Convention annual meeting in Indianapolis regarding a 10-year, multi-faceted, flexible evangelism strategy which will point our churches in a common direction of winning this continent for Christ.
Evangelism initiative (part 1)
As I have mentioned in previous articles, I have been encouraging the Southern Baptist North American Mission Board to present to our convention a multi-faceted, flexible evangelism strategy which will help pull our churches together over the next years to focus on that which my predecessor, Bobby Welch, emphasized during his tenure.
A 10-year evangelistic strategy
TAYLORS, S.C. (BP)--As we approach the Southern Baptist Convention meeting in Indianapolis in June, many people are wondering what this convention will bring forth, who will be elected and what will be decided.
Spirited, Christ-like climate debate
ORIGINALLY POSTED March 19, 2008 TAYLORS, S.C. (BP)–Recently, Southern Baptists’ attention has been focused on media reports which relate to the release of and the signing of a document titled, Southern Baptists Environment and Climate Initiative. Seldom have I seen such a reaction. Part of this has been slightly humorous. For example, I had no […]
Calvinism & Southern Baptists
TAYLORS, S.C. (BP)--The issue of Calvinism has been at the forefront of many articles and discussions in our convention.
Where is God in the ’08 election?
TAYLORS, S.C. (BP)--In recent weeks and months I have been contacted by a large number of presidential candidates. I have spent time with several of them in person and talked on the phone with others.