NASHVILLE, Tenn. (BP)–Family Net television has announced that it will broadcast the “Battle for Marriage” rally live from Bellevue Baptist Church July 11, joining three radio networks that also will carry the event.
The rally, intended to educate and mobilize evangelicals on the issue of same-sex “marriage,” will feature Focus on the Family’s James Dobson, Prison Fellowship’s Charles Colson and Washington state pastor Ken Hutcherson, who organized a large pro-marriage rally in May in Seattle. Bellevue Pastor Adrian Rogers and Family Research Council President Tony Perkins also will appear.
The rally will take place one day before the U.S. Senate is scheduled to debate the Federal Marriage Amendment.
American Family Radio, Salem Radio Network and the Bott Radio Network also are scheduled to broadcast the event, which will begin at 7 p.m. ET. For a fee, the event can also be viewed via the Internet or satellite.
Pro-family organizations are encouraging pastors to preach on marriage on the morning of July 11 and for churches to host the marriage simulcast that evening.
The rally is the first of three to be held during the next four months. The others will be Aug. 29 from Louisville, Ky., and Oct. 24 at a site yet to be announced. The August simulcast, titled “Reconnecting God and Government,” will include Southern Baptist Theological Seminary President R. Albert Mohler Jr. and Wellington Boone, founder of the Fellowship of International Churches. Confirmed to speak during the October simulcast, titled “Every Vote Counts,” are Ethics & Religious Liberty Commission President Richard Land and radio talk-show host Janet Parshall.
The rallies are the result of a partnership between the ERLC and FRC, in association with Focus on the Family and the National Association of Evangelicals. A similar simulcast was held May 23.
Information on the simulcasts is available online at www.ivotevalues.com and www.wevotevalues.com. The websites also have questions and answers about same-sex “marriage,” promotion flyers as well as resources that can be used for pastors in sermon preparation.
For more information about the national debate over same-sex “marriage,” visit