Mac Brunson elected pastor of Valleydale Church
BIRMINGHAM, Ala. (BP) — Valleydale Church in Birmingham, Ala., called Mac Brunson as pastor May 20, just three weeks after he resigned the pastorate of First Baptist Church in Jacksonville, Fla.
“This is a God move,” Brunson said when Valleydale elected him in a business meeting following his in-view-of-a-call sermon, The Alabama Baptist reported. He’s slated to preach his first official pastoral sermon at the 1,000-member church July 22, according to the newsjournal of the Alabama Baptist State Board of Missions.
His election followed Valleydale’s 21-month pastoral search, capping a May 17 reception with church deacons and elders. Brunson’s wife Debbie spoke at a Valleydale women’s luncheon May 18.
Brunson announced his resignation to the 10,000-member First Baptist Church of Jacksonville (FBC JAX) April 29, reported the Christian Index, the newsjournal of the Georgia Baptist Convention. At that time, Brunson said he had no future job in place, according to the Index.
Brunson’s departure from Florida signaled no scandal nor improper action, FBC JAX emphasized April 30th, saying he served with “moral and ministerial faithfulness” and that “no individual or group within our church asked him to leave. … On the contrary, we are grateful for the years of service rendered by Dr. Brunson and his wife Debbie.”
The 60-year-old Brunson pastored the First Baptist Church of Dallas for seven years before leading FBC JAX beginning in 2006, and earlier led churches in South Carolina, Virginia and North Carolina. He is a former president of the Southern Baptist Convention Pastors’ Conference and the Baptist State Convention of North Carolina.
He holds D.Min. and M.Div. degrees from Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary. He and his wife Debbie have three children and 11 grandchildren.