
SBC Life Articles in Theology & Doctrine

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Resolution on gender transitions aims to ‘balance grace and truth’

NEW ORLEANS (BP) – The 2023 SBC Committee on Resolutions hopes the resolution “On Opposing Gender Transitions”, accurately represents Southern Baptists’ views on one of modern culture’s most pervasive and controversial issues.

How ‘The Gospel Project’ is helping to shape the Korean church

BRENTWOOD, Tenn. — When The Gospel Project was introduced in South Korea in 2017, the team behind the launch received several worried phone calls from pastors across the country. The pastors were in a slight panic. Part of the curriculum for students included thought-provoking questions. Because these questions were meant to foster individual responses, there were no guided answers in the curriculum.

FIRST-PERSON: Complementarianism, women in ministry and kingdom advance

At our recent annual meeting in New Orleans, Southern Baptists took several actions clarifying our commitment to a complementarian view of gender roles in ministry.

Mohler, Wills discuss creeds, what it means to be ‘closely identified’

NASHVILLE (BP) – What does it mean for a Southern Baptist church to closely identify with the Baptist Faith and Message? When should the Baptist Faith and Message be updated? What is the difference between a creed, a confession and statement of faith?

Bible Study: Trusting God

Scripture commands us to trust in God. Yet we’re tempted to put God to the test when trouble arises. We may not say it out loud, but essentially we are saying, “Prove yourself one more time, God!”

SBC DIGEST: Lifeway Black church conference marks 30th year July 17-21; Timothy George to be ETS president

ReImagine conference aims to help Black churches move out of the pandemic paradigm; Timothy George to serve as president of Evangelical Theological Society in Its 75th Year.

FIRST-PERSON: Every Scripture points to Jesus

ALEXANDRIA, La. (BP) – In 2012, Elvis Presley’s Bible sold at an auction for $94,600. Among other markings, Luke 9:25 was underlined. According to the King James Version, the verse says, “For what is a man advantaged, if he gain the whole world, and lose himself, or be cast away?” On another page, Elvis wrote in the margin, “To judge a man by his weakest link or deed is like judging the power of the ocean by one wave.”

FIRST-PERSON: A confident reason for hope

We lament Monday’s tragic loss of life through what is an all-too-common circumstance, and we join in praying for those directly impacted by this murderous rampage. These heinous acts not only break our hearts, they tempt us to despair. But even in disorienting times of great sorrow, we are not shaken because we have hope. The biblical concept of hope is not wishful thinking or naive optimism; rather, it is joyful, confident expectation for the future.

FIRST-PERSON: What to say after tragedy

I opened my Bible this morning, the day after our nation’s epidemic of school shootings pierced the tight-knit community we called home for almost a decade, to a familiar psalm. King David writes, “God, hear my cry; pay attention to my prayer. I call to you from the ends of the earth when my heart is without strength” (Psalm 61:1-2).

FIRST-PERSON: Complementarianism, confessionalism and cooperation

TIGERVILLE, S.C. (BP) – Southern Baptists are overwhelmingly a complementarian convention of churches. This means we are committed to biblical teachings about distinct-yet-complementary gender roles for men and women, as well as the principle of male leadership in the family and the church.