
Frank S. Page

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FIRST-PERSON: God speaks. Will we?

When a profound conviction is felt in the heart, Frank Page writes, it must be spoken of and reflected in a person's life. That's especially vital, he notes, when it comes to expressing one's faith in Christ.

FIRST-PERSON: Is God at home in you?

Frank Page takes note of an "intimate offer from our Lord" -- Jesus' promise in John 14 that He and the Father "will come and make their home with us."

FIRST-PERSON: The state of preaching in the SBC

Despite America's cultural tumult, Frank Page believes churches can sustain their vitality when served by "godly ministers who believe in the power of the inerrant Word of God and who proclaim it as that which changes lives, families and our nation."

FIRST-PERSON: Where in the world is God?

Frank Page notes that Christians are not immune from questions that arise amid perplexing, horrific tragedies. Even so, he notes, "God has planted a hunger and thirst for Himself within every human heart."

Celebrating a Century

The Executive Committee was established in 1917 to serve as a vital link in this great fellowship of Southern Baptists.

Celebrating a century

NASHVILLE (BP) -- On the back cover of his signature work, The Executive Committee of the Southern Baptist Convention 1917–1984, Albert McClellan says the following: "To many observers, Southern Baptists are a paradox -- a people of seemingly contradictory qualities. One has described them as a rope of sand with the strength of steel. Others have compared them to a bumblebee, which in theory should not be able to fly, but which does so quite well.

My Prayer for the SBC: Health, Harmony, and Wholeness

If we hope to make an impact on the vast lostness across our nation and around the world, we must continually reclaim the principle of respect in our dealings with others.

FIRST-PERSON: Time is running out!

The world's population is exploding, America is degenerating into godlessness and thousands die daily worldwide without Christ, Frank S. Page writes. "This urgency should compel all of us to a new passion for penetrating lostness and pushing back darkness," Page, president of the SBC Executive Committee, declares.

Time is Running Out!

This urgency should compel all of us to a new passion for penetrating lostness and pushing back darkness.

FIRST-PERSON: Stewardship of democracy

Frank S. Page intends to vote in the November presidential election. Each Christian must "render unto God the loyal obedience He is due," Page, president of the SBC Executive Committee, writes. "But let us also render unto Caesar the elective influence God has graciously granted to us at this strategic juncture in history."