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SBC Seminary Staff

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FROM THE SEMINARIES: MBTS Accelerate program adds four new tracks; Greenway and Dew discuss leading beyond COVID-19

Midwestern Seminary's Accelerate program introduces four new tracks of study; Greenway and Dew discuss leading in and beyond COVID-19.

FROM THE SEMINARIES: Gateway scholarship for students affected by COVID-19; Boyce College adds Seminary Track program

Gateway receives $250,000 gift to help students in crisis due to COVID-19; New Seminary Track programs added to Boyce College curriculum.

FROM THE SEMINARIES: MBTS cancels graduation ceremony, in-person summer classes; Scarborough students preach during spring break

Midwestern Seminary cancels graduation ceremony, offers summer classes online; Scarborough College students spend spring break preaching, see 12 salvation decisions.

FROM THE SEMINARIES: NOBTS, Gateway move to decrease number of employees on campus while under shelter-in-place orders; Southwestern cancels spring events

Only “essential” employees allowed on NOBTS campus due to New Orleans’ stay-home order, Gateway remains operational under California's stay-home order; Southwestern Seminary cancels all spring semester events, including commencement exercises.

FROM THE SEMINARIES: NOBTS women ‘Abide in Christ’; Yarnell extols ‘Gentleman Theologian’

NOBTS women's event focused on Abiding in Christ; In SWBTS chapel, Yarnell honors legacy of 'Gentlemen Theologian' James Leo Garrett.

FROM THE SEMINARIES: Floyd challenges NOBTS students; MBTS implements structural changes

"Always be willing to go anywhere, at any time and to any place that God is calling you," Ronnie Floyd tells NOBTS students; MBTS changes structure for "greater administrative effectiveness."

FROM THE SEMINARIES: SWBTS convocation; New SBTS Press book

At Southwestern Seminary convocation, president Adam Greenway challenges SWBTS community to be "builders of the soul;" New Southern Seminary book emphasizes the seminary's commitment to biblical fidelity in every area of theology and life.

FROM THE SEMINARIES: Hemphill preaches SWBTS chapel message; Carson delivers MBTS Spurgeon lectures

In today's SBC Digest: Christ's glory shines through believers, Hemphill says at SWBTS chapel service; Don Carson delivers C.H. Spurgeon Lectures at MBTS