
2006 State Annual Meeting Roundup

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Wyo. Baptists share testimony of God’s work in frontier state

WORLAND, Wyo. (BP)--Baptists in Wyoming gathered for their 23rd annual meeting to celebrate “The Works of God” in the frontier state Nov. 9-10 at First Baptist Church in Worland, and several messengers described it as a time of revival.

Ohio Baptists make CP giving history during annual meeting

CINCINNATI, Ohio (BP)--It took an increase of just a quarter of a percent to make Cooperative Program giving history in the State Convention of Baptists in Ohio at their 53rd annual meeting Nov. 8-9 at Friendship Baptist Church in Cincinnati.

N.Y. Baptists greet Gulf Coast residents & hear their stories

AMHERST, N.Y. (BP)--New York Baptists highlighted the theme “One People One Purpose” at their 37th annual meeting by welcoming guests from the Gulf Coast region, where New York volunteers helped rebuild in the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina.

Mich. Baptists hear ‘unchanging message for a changing world’

LUDINGTON, Mich. (BP)--God uses dedicated lives to reach people, Executive Director Michael Collins told messengers to the Baptist State Convention of Michigan’s annual meeting, under the theme “An Unchanging Message for a Changing World.”

Hawaii Baptists emphasize calling on God in prayer

MILILANI, Hawaii (BP)--Hawaii Pacific Baptists celebrated their 64th annual meeting with the theme “Call to Me” from Jeremiah 33:3 and an emphasis on prayer Nov. 9-10 at Cornerstone Fellowship in Mililani Mauka.

WRAP-UP: New officers & budgets listed from state conventions

NASHVILLE, Tenn. (BP)--Forty-one state conventions affiliated with the Southern Baptist Convention met in annual meetings between August and November. Provided here is a summary of the individuals elected to serve as president and first vice president as well as the dollar amount of new budgets and the change from the current year.

WRAP-UP: States pass CP initiatives; decide critical issues

NASHVILLE, Tenn. (BP)--Plans to increase Cooperative Program support were embraced by 17 state Baptist conventions in their annual meetings this fall.

WRAP-UP: Conventions urge ministry in schools, not ‘exit strategy’

NASHVILLE, Tenn. (BP)--Southern Baptists in most state conventions this fall relied on committees to work behind the scenes to formulate resolutions to represent their views on moral and doctrinal issues. Dominating the agenda in most states were issues that have been on the minds of messengers to the annual Southern Baptist Convention in recent years.

Blackaby expounds Acts 1:8 at New England convention

CHELMSFORD, Mass. (BP)--Henry Blackaby was among the featured speakers at the Baptist Convention of New England’s 24th annual meeting, Nov. 9-10 at the Radisson Hotel in Chelmsford, Mass.

Sullivan pledges ‘teetotaler’ agency trustees

FORT MYERS, Fla. (BP)--Citing embarrassment over having spent more than 30 minutes debating the issue of whether trustees of Southern Baptist Convention entities should be limited to those who abstain from alcohol, John Sullivan, the executive director-treasurer of the Florida Baptist Convention, says he intends future action in the FBSC "on this very issue."