Revamped research website debuts as ethnic congregations approach 1/4 of Southern Baptist churches
NASHVILLE (BP) – The Ethnic Research Network (ERN) will introduce its updated website, BaptistResearch.com, and resources such as interactive maps on Monday, June 10, from 9:30-11 a.m. in room CS03 on the second floor of the Indiana Convention Center.
A new Ethnic Fellowship Dashboard presents updated figures such as the fact there are 11,312 ethnic congregations in the Southern Baptist Convention, or 22.7 percent of its churches. Other figures include the increase in Cooperative Program and designated giving by ethnic congregations since 2013 (28.9 percent) and which states have the highest number of ethnic congregations (Texas at 2,076 followed by California with 1,466).
An interactive map gives users the opportunity to identify Southern Baptist ethnic congregations in their area. A slide graphic also illustrates the growth of the number of ethnic congregations since 1990.
The website was first introduced in 2022 and reported on a new age for Southern Baptists in terms of ethnic growth and involvement.
“The ERN Core Team invites you to join us for a time of dialog and learning how to use the new tools for developing partnerships and growing your fellowships through church planting and disciple making,” said a statement from the group. “We are delighted to have the Diaspora Missions Collective (DMC) co-host this event and they will showcase DMC resources for reaching and engaging diaspora peoples.”
The ERN Core team consists of President Minh Ha Nguyen; Carter Tan, vice president; Kristina Micu, vice president; Alan Cross, vice president, communication; Peter Yanes, secretary-treasurer; and Charles Grant, SBC Executive Committee liaison.
For more information, contact Nguyen at 804-245-9151 or Tan at 804-503-0779.
Barber appoints tellers for SBC24
By BP Staff
FARMERSVILLE, Texas (BP) – SBC President Bart Barber announced Friday, June 7, that James Gardner, associate pastor at McClendon Baptist Church in West Monroe, La., will chair the tellers committee at the 2024 SBC Annual Meeting in Indianapolis next week. Gardner has served on staff at McClendon Baptist for nearly 25 years.
Tellers are charged with counting ballots for any and all balloted elections or votes at the SBC Annual Meeting. Joining Gardner in serving as tellers are:
- Shawn Aldredge
- Jemar Bahinting
- Katie Bennett
- Dwain Carter
- Richard Carwile
- Jerry Dockery
- Brandon Holiski
- Evens Jules
- Chad King
- Noah Leighton
- Travis Maclay
- Linda Diane Mardis
- Caleb Monaghan
- Kevin Moran
- Allen Nichols
- Carl Peyton
- Kirsten Peyton
- Jesse Rincones
- Matthew Sachitano
- Michael Shultz
- Victor Alfonso Solorzano
- Teddy W Sorrells
- Jennifer Spencer
- Richard Stames
- JC Strouth
- Scott Talley
- Lee Tate
- Connie Taylor
- Daniel Taylor
- Mark Taylor
- Eric Trout
- Becky Turner
- Justin Villines
- Alicia Violante
- Brandon Watson
- Jadon Williams
- JP Williams
- Vicki Williams
- Lor Xiong