COLUMBUS, Ohio (BP) — Sixty-eight Southern Baptists from 34 state Baptist conventions have been named to serve on the 2015-16 SBC Committee on Nominations.
The Committee on Nominations will nominate people to serve on the SBC’s boards, commissions and committees. They will present their report to the 2015 SBC annual meeting in St. Louis.
The committee, announced during the June 16-17 SBC annual meeting in Columbus, Ohio, is made up of two people from each state convention, with at least one layperson.
An asterisk denotes the committee member is a layperson. All others are church vocation workers.
ALABAMA — *Joyce Overstreet, First Baptist, Bay Minette; Timothy Cox, Liberty Baptist, Chelsea.
ALASKA — *Amanda Elkins, True North, Anchorage; Bryan Myers, Faith Baptist Fairbanks.
ARIZONA — *Paula Hoyt, White Mountain Apache Baptist, Whiteriver; Chet Anderson, Calvary Baptist, Lake Havasu City.
ARKANSAS — *Jerry Byrum, The Summit, North Little Rock; Stephen Davis, First Baptist, Russellville.
CALIFORNIA — *Natalie Baggs, First Baptist, San Francisco; Mark Hammond, Village Baptist, Norwalk.
COLORADO — *Janila Beach, Applewood Baptist, Wheat Ridge; Matthew Perry, Arapahoe Road Baptist, Centennial.
FLORIDA — *James Parrish, First Baptist, Jacksonville; Scott Wilson, First Baptist, Melbourne.
GEORGIA– *Joel Harbin, North Metro First Baptist, Lawrenceville; Bucky Kennedy, First Baptist.
HAWAII — *Adam Au, Hawai’i Chinese Baptist, Honolulu; Dean Stanley, Kona Baptist, Kailua Kona.
ILLINOIS — *Rosalind Kelly, Hillcrest Baptist, Country Club Hills; Rob Schneider, Calvary Baptist, Edwardsville.
INDIANA — *Sara Burk, Grace Baptist, Evansville; Chris Gustafson, Eastern Heights Baptist, Jeffersonville.
KANSAS/NEBRASKA — *J.L. Schmidt, Southview Baptist, Lincoln, Neb.; James Riekeman, First Southern Baptist, Coffeyville, Kan.
KENTUCKY — *Jessica Milburn, Union Baptist, Union; Paul Chitwood, chair, First Baptist, Mt. Washington.
LOUISIANA — *Melissa Hall, First Baptist, St. Francisville; Eddie Wren, First Baptist, Rayville.
MARYLAND/DELAWARE/D.C. — *Kyle Mayes, Restoration, Washington, D.C.; *Samuel Raines, Emmanuel Baptist, Laurel, Md.
MICHIGAN — *Marsha Hairston, Temple of Faith, Detroit; Michael Heacock, Roscommon Baptist, Roscommon.
MISSISSIPPI — *Mike McMullan, Broadmoor Baptist, Madison; Darryl Craft, Temple Baptist, Hattiesburg.
MISSOURI — *Glen Davidson, Calvary Baptist, Joplin; Jacob McMillian, Journey Baptist, St. Joseph.
NEVADA — *Tracy Ross, Calvary Southern Baptist, North Las Vegas; Thomas McCormick, Hope Baptist, Las Vegas.
NEW ENGLAND — *Thomas Chen, Antioch Baptist, Cambridge, Mass.; Dan Byrd, Net Cast, Beverly, Mass.
NEW MEXICO — *Elaine Henderson, Gila Valley Baptist, Gila; Ricardo Rivera, Del Norte Baptist Church, Albuquerque.
NEW YORK — *Stephen Ng, Trust in God Baptist, New York, N.Y.; Freddy Noble, Primera Iglesia Bautista Hispana, New York, N.Y.
NORTH CAROLINA — *Scott Reed, Calvary Baptist, Winston-Salem; Will Toburen, The Summit, Durham.
NORTHWEST — *Cheryl Treadway, Calvary Baptist, Burlington, Wash.; Phil Peters, Valley Christian Fellowship, Longview, Wash.
OHIO — *Greg Burch, Lakota Hills Baptist, West Chester; *James Dobbs, Dublin Baptist, Dublin.
OKLAHOMA — *Jim Hawkins, Quail Springs Baptist, Oklahoma City; Chris Wall, First Baptist, Owasso.
PENNSYLVANIA/SOUTH JERSEY — *Curtis Conner, Paoli Baptist, Paoli, Pa.; James Betner, Delaware Valley Baptist, Willingboro, N.J.
SOUTH CAROLINA — *Kenneth Page, First Baptist, Spartanburg; Matt Rogers, The Church at Cherrydale, Greenville.
TENNESSEE — *Donna Gaines, Bellevue Baptist, Cordova; Robby Gallaty, Brainerd Baptist, Chattanooga.
TEXAS –*Nancy Rivera, Primera Inglesia Bautista, Grand Prairie; Scott Maze, vice chair, North Richland Hills Baptist, North Richland Hills.
UTAH/IDAHO — *James Clark, First Southern Baptist, Mountain Home, Idaho; *Michael Boone, Central Valley Baptist, Meridian, Idaho.
VIRGINIA — *Tony Sendaydiego, Parkway Baptist, Moseley; Rodney Autry, Union Baptist, Hayes.
WEST VIRGINIA — *Fred Morgan, Fairlawn Baptist, Parkersburg; Dan Jividen, Immanuel Princeton.
WYOMING — *Joe Fabian, Memorial Baptist, Wheatland; David Grace, Trinity Baptist, Laramie.