
Articulos en Español from 2018

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NAMB y la Red Nacional Bautista Hispana preparan las iglesias hispanas en Indianápolis para el Crossover

Las iglesias hispanas continúan en preparación y en oración para el Crossover 2024, creando y compartiendo estrategias y ofreciendo entrenamientos sobre como compartir el evangelio y como dar seguimiento a nuevos creyentes.

Familias bautistas obligadas a abandonar sus hogares y su iglesia en pueblos mexicanos

HIDALGO, México (BP) - Cerca de 150 bautistas han huido de sus hogares en México después de que los líderes de los pueblos los persiguieron debido a su fe, cortando los servicios esenciales y bloqueando la entrada, reportó CSW el 30 de abril.

Iorg presenta un avance de la agenda del CE para sus primeros 100 días

NASHVILLE (BP) – Los cambios estratégicos podrían estar en marcha en el Comité Ejecutivo (CE) de la SBC durante los primeros 100 días de Jeff Iorg como presidente si su último episodio de podcast es una indicación.

Wesley Russell, pastor de Kentucky, será propuesto para segundo vicepresidente de la SBC

CINCINNATI (BP) — Michael Clary, pastor de Christ the King Church en Cincinnati, anunció hoy (29 de abril) su intención de nominar a Wesley Russell, pastor de Immanuel Baptist Church en Pikeville, Kentucky, para segundo vicepresidente de la Convención Bautista del Sur en la reunión anual de junio. Clary hizo el anuncio en X, acompañado de un video de él en el que hablaba con Russell.

SBC’s Cooperation Group releases recommendations

NASHVILLE (BP) — Four recommendations released today are designed to “prioritize and emphasize the authority of messengers in defining the boundaries of our cooperation while clarifying and refining our structure,” said a statement from the SBC’s Cooperation Group. The group was tasked at last summer’s annual meeting to study the issue of what makes a church “to be in friendly cooperation of faith and practice” with the Southern Baptist Convention.

Lifeway names new EVP and COO

BRENTWOOD, Tenn. (BP) – Lifeway President and CEO Ben Mandrell announced the appointment of Joe Walker as the entity’s new executive vice president and Scott Arvay as its new chief operating officer. Lifeway trustees approved Walker and Arvay in their new roles during a special-called board meeting, May 1.

New Orleans seminary/church door-to-door evangelism outreach sees high return

NEW ORLEANS (BP) – New Orleans seminary professor Preston Nix cites his divine conviction of the need for neighborhood evangelism during his pastorate at Eastwood Baptist Church in Tulsa, Okla., in the mid-1990s.

Campus protests ‘a matter of hatred,’ says Messianic Fellowship leader

NASHVILLE (BP) — “This is Satanic. This is evil.” Ric Worshill takes a break from working on his camper – “I’m going to need it when Disaster Relief calls,” he said. – and thinks about the spread of antisemitism in the U.S. and around the world.

VBS opens doors for discipleship

BRENTWOOD, Tenn. (BP) – Most people who walk into Freedom Church in Neosho, Missouri, start with a worship service. It’s an on-ramp to the church’s discipleship pathway, a natural starting point on the journey from being a first-time visitor to a growing, serving follower of Christ.