Lead On Podcast

Drew Nichter

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Ky. Baptists adopt missions plan

UPDATED Tuesday, Nov. 20, 2010 LEXINGTON, Ky. (BP)–Messengers to the 173rd annual meeting of the Kentucky Baptist Convention adopted a plan to better reach the nations for Christ and honored an executive director nearing the end of his tenure. Kentucky Baptists embarked on a new course that eventually will lead the convention to an equitable […]

At equestrian games, a warm welcome

LEXINGTON, Ky. (BP)–The years of anticipation finally ended as the World Equestrian Games have begun at the Kentucky Horse Park in Lexington. Kentuckians rolled out the red carpet for competitors from 58 countries at the games’ opening ceremonies Sept. 25 with more than 23,000 people in attendance. The ceremony featured 40 different equine acts, showcasing […]

World equine games: Volunteers are ready

LEXINGTON, Ky. (BP)--In 2006 a delegation led by Larry Martin of the Kentucky Baptist Convention traveled to Aachen, Germany, to experience the World Equestrian Games, the world's largest equine sporting event.

Task force calls for 50-50 Ky./SBC funding

LOUISVILLE, Ky. (BP)–After eight months of discussions, the Kentucky Great Commission Task Force has released its report. Among the report’s four recommendations: a call for the Kentucky Baptist Convention’s Mission Board to move to a reallocation of Cooperative Program funds that results in a 50 percent split of CP receipts (after shared administrative expenses) between […]

Equestrian Games shapes mission project

LEXINGTON, Ky. (BP)--In the weeks leading up to the World Equestrian Games, competitors are not the only ones ramping up for the country's largest-ever equine event.

SANCTITY OF LIFE: Women find freedom from abortion’s guilt

EDITOR’S NOTE: Sunday, Jan. 17, is Sanctity of Human Life Sunday in the Southern Baptist Convention. CRESTWOOD, Ky. (BP)–It was nearly a year ago that Missy Reigel stood in front of hundreds of people at Crestwood Baptist Church and shared her deeply personal testimony. “On Thursday, Sept. 19, 1996, I had an abortion,” she told […]

Pitts, Louisville DOM, honored by peers

LOUISVILLE, Ky. (BP)–When the eyes of the Southern Baptist Convention were on Louisville, Wesley Pitts may not have been the most visible person involved. But he certainly was busy behind the scenes making sure the city put its best foot forward. For Pitts, who has led Louisville’s Long Run Baptist Association for more than a […]

Equestrian Games a ministry opportunity

LEXINGTON, Ky. (BP)--"Don't miss the biggest equestrian event in American history," the slogan on a World Equestrian Games brochure reads.       More than 600,000 people from 100-plus countries are expected to arrive in Kentucky next year for the Sept. 25-Oct. 10 event.

Creation Museum welcomes atheists, critics

PETERSBURG, Ky. (BP)--Mark Looy knows what people are saying.       As chief communications officer for the Creation Museum in northern Kentucky, Looy keeps close tabs on what's being said about the museum ...

I was nearly an abortion statistic

LOUISVILLE, Ky. (BP)--As you may know, churches across the Southern Baptist Convention are urged to recognize "Sanctity of Human Life" on a specific Sunday each January.