News Articles

Midwestern trustee presents $100,000 check to seminary

KANSAS CITY, Mo. (BP)–Taking personally Jesus’ words to His disciples, “From everyone who has been given much, much will be required,” Midwestern Baptist Theological Seminary trustee Gene Downing and his wife, Jo, recently made a pledge of $100,000, of which $50,000 has been designated for the refurbishing of the seminary’s north campus property.

Phil Roberts, Midwestern’s president, recognized the Oklahoma City couple during the seminary’s March 16 chapel services, calling their gift both sacrificial and inspirational.

“Gene and Jo Downing have exemplified a Christ-like spirit of sacrifice and service,” Roberts said. “They do this not only in their attitudes and demeanor, but in the handling of their material resources God has given them.”

Roberts added, “The Downings have been used of God to bless Midwestern Baptist Theological Seminary in an incredibly important and meaningful way.”

When asked to make a few comments, Gene remained humble, saying, “My time and resources belong to God. I am only His steward.

“One of my desires is that my gift would encourage and inspire others to give what they can, no matter how big or how small the gift. Every bit helps and gives everyone an opportunity to play a part in growing God’s Kingdom.”

After touring the building acquired last year for the seminary’s Kansas City, Mo., campus and seeing its unlimited potential, Downing said he had no reservations in making his pledge, nor did he put any restrictions on its use.

“I see great things happening at Midwestern,” he said. “I have been impressed with Dr. Roberts and the faculty and their commitment to sound biblical teaching. Midwestern is rock-solid. Just being associated is a blessing in itself.”

    About the Author

  • Susan E. Reed