
Keila Diaz/Florida Baptist Convention

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Florida church ‘bleeding … but still going to serve Him’

HUDSON, Fla. (BP) – First Baptist Church of Hudson, like many congregations in Florida, is no stranger to the aftermath of natural disasters. The community is still reeling from the devastation of Hurricane Helene, which left the church’s food pantry campus under eight feet of water. Yet, amid destruction and with the looming threat of Hurricane Milton on the horizon, the church remains steadfast in its mission to serve its congregation and community.

Florida church ‘making a way’ for hope after Helene

MADISON, Fla. (BP) – In the wake of Hurricane Helene, the Madison community in north Florida has found itself in yet another season of recovery.

Hispanic Baptists to come together for evangelism, worship, training at SBC ‘23

NEW ORLEANS (BP) – As the annual Southern Baptist Convention gathering in New Orleans draws closer, Hispanic Baptists are gearing up for a time of evangelism, celebration, fellowship and equipping opportunities.

Baptist College of Florida inaugurará nuevo campus en Miami en agosto

MIAMI–Clayton Cloer, recién elegido presidente de The Baptist College of Florida, visitó a 50 pastores en la región sureste y compartió sus planes y su visión para lanzar un campus de BCF en el Centro Regional Sureste de la Convención Bautista de Florida en Hialeah.

Chinese Baptist Church of Miami marks 50 years

MIAMI (BP) – Each year, more and more Chinese people choose to make South Florida their home. And, for the past 50 years, Chinese Baptist Church of Miami has been reaching its ever-growing community with the Gospel.

Un pastor bivocacional comparte el Evangelio “en medio del mundo”

MIAMI— De lunes a viernes se puede encontrar a Sal Cavarretta vendiendo botes, bicicletas acuáticas, corredores de olas y todo tipo de vehículos para deportes acuáticos en Riva Motor Sports. Los domingos predica en la Grace Gathering Church de Boca Ratón, una iglesia que puso en marcha después de la pandemia.

Reuniones “Unidos A Través De La Oración” Programadas Para El Sureste De Florida, 27 Y 28 De Enero

El 27 y 28 de enero, las iglesias del sudeste de Florida se unirán en oración, adoración y el despertar espiritual como parte del movimiento Unidos En Oración. Se anunciaron las reuniones en la reunión anual de la Convención Bautista Estatal de Florida (FBSC) de 2021 en Lakeland.

Los estudiantes de GenSend se sumergen en la cultura y la pérdida de North Miami

MIAMI - Las playas de arena y las temperaturas cálidas hacen de Miami un paraíso veraniego y un destino turístico internacional. Pero para ocho estudiantes universitarios, la gente perdida de Miami los obligó a pasar seis semanas de sus vacaciones de verano en la ciudad conocida como la Puerta de las Américas.

Fla. Baptists, NAMB expand church planting strategy

JACKSONVILLE, Fla. (BP) -- The Florida Baptist State Board of Missions announced and voted March 28 to expand the partnership between the Florida Baptist Convention and the North American Mission Board through a new SEND Network – Florida, effectively expanding the SEND South Florida emphasis across the entire state.